API Reference ============= .. module:: epr :synopsis: Python bindings for ENVISAT Product Reader C API PyEPR_ provides Python_ bindings for the ENVISAT Product Reader C API (`EPR API`_) for reading satellite data from ENVISAT_ ESA_ (European Space Agency) mission. PyEPR_ is fully object oriented and, as well as the `EPR API`_ for C, supports ENVISAT_ MERIS, AATSR Level 1B and Level 2 and also ASAR data products. It provides access to the data either on a geophysical (decoded, ready-to-use pixel samples) or on a raw data layer. The raw data access makes it possible to read any data field contained in a product file. .. _PyEPR: https://github.com/avalentino/pyepr .. _Python: http://www.python.org .. _`EPR API`: https://github.com/bcdev/epr-api .. _ENVISAT: http://envisat.esa.int .. _ESA: http://earth.esa.int .. currentmodule:: epr Classes ------- Product ~~~~~~~ .. class:: Product ENVISAT product The Product class provides methods and properties to get information about an ENVISAT product file. .. seealso:: :func:`open` .. attribute:: file_path The file's path including the file name .. attribute:: id_string The product identifier string obtained from the MPH parameter 'PRODUCT' The first 10 characters of this string identify the product type, e.g. "MER_1P__FR" for a MERIS Level 1b full resolution product. The rest of the string decodes product instance properties. .. attribute:: meris_iodd_version For MERIS L1b and RR and FR to provide backward compatibility .. attribute:: tot_size The total size in bytes of the product file .. method:: get_band(name) Gets the band corresponding to the specified name. :param name: the name of the band :returns: the requested :class:`Band` instance, or raises a :exc:`EPRValueError` if not found .. method:: get_band_at(index) Gets the band at the specified position within the product :param index: the index identifying the position of the band, starting with 0, must not be negative :returns: the requested :class:`Band` instance, or raises a :exc:`EPRValueError` if not found .. method:: get_dataset(name) Gets the dataset corresponding to the specified dataset name :param name: the dataset name :returns: the requested :class:`Dataset` instance .. method:: get_dataset_at(index) Gets the dataset at the specified position within the product :param index: the index identifying the position of the dataset, starting with 0, must not be negative :returns: the requested :class:`Dataset` .. method:: get_dsd_at(index) Gets the :class:`DSD` at the specified position Gets the :class:`DSD` (dataset descriptor) at the specified position within the product. :param index: the index identifying the position of the :class:`DSD`, starting with 0, must not be negative :returns: the requested :class:`DSD` instance .. method:: get_num_bands Gets the number of all bands contained in a product .. method:: get_num_datasets Gets the number of all datasets contained in a product .. method:: get_num_dsds Gets the number of all :class:`DSD`\ s (dataset descriptors) contained in the product .. method:: get_scene_height Gets the product's scene height in pixels .. method:: get_scene_width Gets the product's scene width in pixels .. method:: get_mph The :class:`Record` representing the main product header (MPH) .. method:: get_sph The :class:`Record` representing the specific product header (SPH) .. method:: get_dataset_names Return the list of names of the datasets in the product .. note:: this method has no correspondent in the C API .. method:: read_bitmask_raster Calculates a bit-mask raster Calculates a bit-mask, composed of flags of the given product and combined as described in the given bit-mask expression, for the a certain dimension and sub-sampling as defined in the given raster. :param bm_expr: a string holding the logical expression for the definition of the bit-mask. In a bit-mask expression, any number of the flag-names (found in the DDDB) can be composed with "(", ")", "NOT", "AND", "OR". Valid bit-mask expression are for example ``flags.LAND OR flags.CLOUD`` or ``NOT flags.WATER AND flags.TURBID_S`` :param xoffset: across-track co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region :param yoffset: along-track co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region :param raster: the raster for the bit-mask. The data type of the raster must be either :data:`E_TID_UCHAR` or :data:`E_TID_CHAR` :returns: zero for success, an error code otherwise .. seealso:: :func:`create_bitmask_raster` .. method:: get_band_names Return the list of names of the bands in the product .. note:: this method has no correspondent in the C API .. method:: datasets Return the list of dataset in the product .. note:: this method has no correspondent in the C API .. method:: bands Return the list of bands in the product .. note:: this method has no correspondent in the C API .. rubric:: Implemented special methods * __repr__ * __str__ Dataset ~~~~~~~ .. class:: Dataset ENVISAT dataset The Dataset class contains information about a dataset within an ENVISAT product file which has been opened with the :func:`open` function. A new Dataset instance can be obtained with the :meth:`Product.get_dataset` or :meth:`Product.get_dataset_at` methods. .. attribute:: description A short description of the band's contents .. attribute:: product The :class:`Product` instance to which this dataset belongs to .. method:: get_name Gets the name of the dataset .. method:: get_dsd Gets the dataset descriptor (DSD) .. method:: get_dsd_name Gets the name of the DSD (dataset descriptor) .. method:: get_num_records Gets the number of records of the dataset .. method:: create_record Creates a new record Creates a new, empty record with a structure compatible with the dataset. Such a record is typically used in subsequent calls to :meth:`Dataset.read_record`. :returns: the new record instance .. method:: read_record(index[, record]) Reads specified record of the dataset The record is identified through the given zero-based record index. In order to reduce memory reallocation, a record (pre-)created by the method :meth:`Dataset.create_record` can be passed to this method. Data is then read into this given record. If no record (``None``) is given, the method initiates a new one. In both cases, the record in which the data is read into will be returned. :param index: the zero-based record index :param record: a pre-created record to reduce memory reallocation, can be ``None`` (default) to let the function allocate a new record :returns: the record in which the data has been read into or raises an exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. method:: records Return the list of records contained in the dataset .. note:: this method has no correspondent in the C API .. rubric:: Implemented special methods * __repr__ * __str__ * __iter__ Record ~~~~~~ .. class:: Record Represents a record read from an ENVISAT dataset A record is composed of multiple fields. .. seealso:: :class:`Field` .. method:: get_field(name) Gets a field specified by name The field is here identified through the given name. It contains the field info and all corresponding values. :param name: the the name of required field :returns: the specified :class:`Field` or raises an exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. method:: get_field_at(index) Gets a field at the specified position within the record :param index: the zero-based index (position within record) of the field :returns: the field or raises and exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. method:: get_num_fields Gets the number of fields contained in the record .. method:: print_([ostream]) Write the record to specified file (default: :data:`sys.stdout`) This method writes formatted contents of the record to specified *ostream* text file or (default) the ASCII output is be printed to standard output (:data:`sys.stdout`) :param ostream: the (opened) output file object .. note:: the *ostream* parameter have to be a *real* file not a generic stream object like :class:`StringIO.StringIO` instances .. method:: print_element(field_index, element_index[, ostream]) Write the specified field element to file (default: :data:`sys.stdout`) This method writes formatted contents of the specified field element to the *ostream* text file or (default) the ASCII output will be printed to standard output (:data:`sys.stdout`) :param field_index: the index of field in the record :param element_index: the index of element in the specified field :param ostream: the (opened) output file object .. note:: the *ostream* parameter have to be a *real* file not a generic stream object like :class:`StringIO.StringIO` instances .. method:: get_field_names Return the list of names of the fields in the product .. note:: this method has no correspondent in the C API .. method:: fields Return the list of fields contained in the record .. note:: this method has no correspondent in the C API .. rubric:: Implemented special methods * __repr__ * __str__ * __iter__ Field ~~~~~ .. class:: Field Represents a field within a record A field is composed of one or more data elements of one of the types defined in the internal ``field_info`` structure. .. seealso:: :class:`Record` .. method:: get_description Gets the description of the field .. method:: get_name Gets the name of the field .. method:: get_num_elems Gets the number of elements of the field .. method:: get_type Gets the type of the field .. method:: get_unit Gets the unit of the field .. method:: get_elem([index]) Field single element access This function is for getting the elements of a field. :param index: the zero-based index of element to be returned, must not be negative. Default: 0. :returns: the typed value from given field .. method:: get_elems Field array element access This function is for getting an array of field elements of the field. :returns: the data array (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) having the type of the field .. method:: print_([ostream]) Write the field to specified file (default: :data:`sys.stdout`) This method writes formatted contents of the field to specified *ostream* text file or (default) the ASCII output is be printed to standard output (:data:`sys.stdout`) :param ostream: the (opened) output file object .. note:: the *ostream* parameter have to be a *real* file not a generic stream object like :class:`StringIO.StringIO` instances .. rubric:: Implemented special methods * __repr__ * __str__ * __eq__ * __ne__ * __len__ [#]_ .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] if the field is a :data:`E_TID_STRING` field then the :meth:`__len__` method returns the string length, otherwise the number of elements of the field is returned (same as :meth:`Field.get_num_elems`) DSD ~~~ .. class:: DSD Dataset descriptor The DSD class contains information about the properties of a dataset and its location within an ENVISAT product file .. attribute:: ds_name The dataset name .. attribute:: ds_offset The offset of dataset-information the product file .. attribute:: ds_size The size of dataset-information in dataset product file .. attribute:: ds_type The dataset type descriptor .. attribute:: dsr_size The size of dataset record for the given dataset name .. attribute:: filename The filename in the DDDB with the description of this dataset .. attribute:: index The index of this DSD (zero-based) .. attribute:: num_dsr The number of dataset records for the given dataset name .. rubric:: Implemented special methods * __repr__ * __eq__ * __ne__ Band ~~~~ .. class:: Band The band of an ENVISAT product The Band class contains information about a band within an ENVISAT product file which has been opened with the :func:`open` function. A new Band instance can be obtained with the :meth:`Product.get_band` method. .. attribute:: bm_expr A bit-mask expression used to filter valid pixels All others are set to zero .. attribute:: data_type The data type of the band's pixels Possible values are: * ``*`` --> the datatype remains unchanged. * ``uint8_t`` --> 8-bit unsigned integer * ``uint32_t`` --> 32-bit unsigned integer * ``Float`` --> 32-bit IEEE floating point .. attribute:: description A short description of the band's contents .. attribute:: lines_mirrored Mirrored lines flag If true (=1) lines will be mirrored (flipped) after read into a raster in order to ensure a pixel ordering in raster X direction from WEST to EAST. .. attribute:: product The :class:`Product` instance to which this band belongs to .. attribute:: sample_model The sample model operation The sample model operation applied to the source dataset for getting the correct samples from the MDS (for example MERIS L2). Possible values are: * ``*`` --> no operation (direct copy) * ``1OF2`` --> first byte of 2-byte interleaved MDS * ``2OF2`` --> second byte of 2-byte interleaved MDS * ``0123`` --> combine 3-bytes interleaved to 4-byte integer .. attribute:: scaling_factor The scaling factor Possible values are: * ``*`` --> no factor provided (implies scaling_method=*) * ``const`` --> a floating point constant * ``GADS.field[.field2]`` --> value is provided in global annotation dataset with name `GADS` in field `field``. Optionally a second element index for multiple-element fields can be given too .. attribute:: scaling_method The scaling method which must be applied to the raw source data in order to get the 'real' pixel values in geo-physical units. Possible values are: * ``*`` --> no scaling applied * ``Linear_Scale`` --> linear scaling applied:: y = offset + scale * x * ``Log_Scale`` --> logarithmic scaling applied:: y = log10(offset + scale * x) .. attribute:: scaling_offset Possible values are: * ``*`` --> no offset provided (implies scaling_method=*) * ``const`` --> a floating point constant * ``GADS.field[.field2]` --> value is provided in global annotation dataset with name ``GADS`` in field ``field``. Optionally a second element index for multiple-element fields can be given too .. attribute:: spectr_band_index The (zero-based) spectral band index -1 if this is not a spectral band .. attribute:: unit The geophysical unit for the band's pixel values .. method:: get_name Gets the name of the band .. method:: create_compatible_raster(src_width, src_height[, xstep, ystep]) Creates a raster which is compatible with the data type of the band The created raster is used to read the data in it (see :meth:`Band.read_raster`). The raster is defined on the grid of the product, from which the data are read. Spatial subsets and under-sampling are possible) through the parameter of the method. A raster is an object that allows direct access to data of a certain portion of the ENVISAT product that are read into the it. Such a portion is called the source. The complete ENVISAT product can be much greater than the source. One can move the raster over the complete ENVISAT product and read in turn different parts (always of the size of the source) of it into the raster. The source is specified by the parameters *height* and *width*. A typical example is a processing in blocks. Lets say, a block has 64x32 pixel. Then, my source has a width of 64 pixel and a height of 32 pixel. Another example is a processing of complete image lines. Then, my source has a widths of the complete product (for example 1121 for a MERIS RR product), and a height of 1). One can loop over all blocks read into the raster and process it. In addition, it is possible to defined a sub-sampling step for a raster. This means, that the source is not read 1:1 into the raster, but that only every 2nd or 3rd pixel is read. This step can be set differently for the across track (source_step_x) and along track (source_step_y) directions. :param src_width: the width (across track dimension) of the source to be read into the raster :param src_height: the height (along track dimension) of the source to be read into the raster :param xstep: the sub-sampling step across track of the source when reading into the raster. Default: 1. :param ystep: the sub-sampling step along track of the source when reading into the raster. Default: 1. :returns: the new raster instance or raises an exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. method:: read_raster([xoffset, yoffset, raster]) Reads (geo-)physical values of the band of the specified source-region The source-region is a defined part of the whole ENVISAT product image, which shall be read into a raster. In this routine the co-ordinates are specified, where the source-region to be read starts. The dimension of the region and the sub-sampling are attributes of the raster into which the data are read. :param xoffset: across-track source co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region. Default 0. :param yoffset: along-track source co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region. Default 0. :param raster: :class:`Raster` instance set with appropriate parameters to read into. If not provided a new :class:`Raster` is instantiated :returns: the :class:`Raster` instance in which data are read This method raises an instance of the appropriate :exc:`EPRError` sub-class if case of errors .. seealso:: :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` and :func:`create_raster` .. method:: read_as_array([width, height, xoffset, yoffset, xstep, ystep]) Reads the specified source region as an :class:`numpy.ndarray` The source-region is a defined part of the whole ENVISAT product image, which shall be read into a raster. In this routine the co-ordinates are specified, where the source-region to be read starts. The dimension of the region and the sub-sampling are attributes of the raster into which the data are read. :param src_width: the width (across track dimension) of the source to be read into the raster. If not provided reads as much as possible :param src_height: the height (along track dimension) of the source to be read into the raster, If not provided reads as much as possible :param xoffset: across-track source co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region. Default 0. :param yoffset: along-track source co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region. Default 0. :param xstep: the sub-sampling step across track of the source when reading into the raster. Default: 1 :param ystep: the sub-sampling step along track of the source when reading into the raster. Default: 1 :returns: the :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance in which data are read This method raises an instance of the appropriate :exc:`EPRError` sub-class if case of errors .. note:: this method has no correspondent in the C API .. seealso:: :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster`, :func:`create_raster` and :meth:`Band.read_raster` .. rubric:: Implemented special methods * __repr__ Raster ~~~~~~ .. class:: Raster Represents a raster in which data will be stored All 'size' parameter are in PIXEL. .. attribute:: data_type The data type of the band's pixels All ``E_TID_*`` types are possible .. attribute:: source_height The height of the source .. attribute:: source_width The width of the source .. attribute:: source_step_x The sub-sampling for the across-track direction in pixel .. attribute:: source_step_y The sub-sampling for the along-track direction in pixel .. attribute:: data Raster data exposed as :class:`numpy.ndarray` object .. note:: this property shares the data buffer with the :class:`Raster` object so any change in its contents is also reflected to the :class:`Raster` object .. note:: this property has no correspondent in the C API .. method:: get_pixel(x, y) Single pixel access This function is for getting the values of the elements of a raster (i.e. pixel) :param x: the (zero-based) X coordinate of the pixel :param y: the (zero-based) Y coordinate of the pixel :returns: the typed value at the given co-ordinate .. method:: get_elem_size The size in byte of a single element (sample) of this raster's buffer .. method:: get_height Gets the raster's height in pixels .. method:: get_width Gets the raster's width in pixels .. rubric:: Implemented special methods * __repr__ EPRTime ~~~~~~~ .. class:: EPRTime Convenience class for time data exchange. EPRTime is a :class:`collections.namedtuple` with the following fields: .. attribute:: days .. attribute:: seconds .. attribute:: microseconds Functions --------- .. function:: open(filename) Opens the ENVISAT product Opens the ENVISAT product file with the given file path, reads MPH, SPH and all DSDs, organized the table with parameter of line length and tie points number. :param product_file_path: the path to the ENVISAT product file :returns: the :class:`Product` instance representing the specified product. An exception (:exc:`exceptions.ValueError`) is raised if the file could not be opened. .. seealso :class:`Product` .. function:: data_type_id_to_str Gets the 'C' data type string for the given data type .. function:: get_data_type_size Gets the size in bytes for an element of the given data type .. function:: get_sample_model_name Return the name of the specified sample model .. function:: get_scaling_method_name Return the name of the specified scaling method .. function:: create_raster(data_type, src_width, src_height[, xstep, ystep]) Creates a raster of the specified data type This function can be used to create any type of raster, e.g. for later use as a bit-mask. :param data_type: the type of the data to stored in the raster, must be one of E_TID_*. .. seealso:: `Data type Identifiers`_ :param src_width: the width (across track dimension) of the source to be read into the raster. See description of :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` :param src_height: the height (along track dimension) of the source to be read into the raster. See description of :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` :param xstep: the sub-sampling step across track of the source when reading into the raster. Default: 1. :param ystep: the sub-sampling step along track of the source when reading into the raster. Default: 1. :returns: the new :class:`Raster` instance .. seealso:: description of :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` .. function:: create_bitmask_raster(src_width, src_height[, xstep, ystep]) Creates a raster to be used for reading bitmasks The raster returned always is of type ``byte``. :param src_width: the width (across track dimension) of the source to be read into the raster :param src_height: the height (along track dimension) of the source to be read into the raster :param xstep: the sub-sampling step across track of the source when reading into the raster. Default: 1. :param ystep: the sub-sampling step along track of the source when reading into the raster. Default: 1. :returns: the new raster instance or raises an exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. seealso:: the description of :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` Exceptions ---------- EPRError ~~~~~~~~ .. exception:: EPRError EPR API error .. attribute:: code EPR API error code .. method:: __init__([message[, code, *args, **kwargs]]) Initializer :param message: error message :pram code: EPR error code EPRValueError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. exception:: EPRValueError Inherits both :exc:`EPRError` and standard :exc:`exceptions.ValueError` Data ---- .. data:: EPR_C_API_VERSION Version string of the wrapped `EPR API`_ C library Data type identifiers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. data:: E_TID_UNKNOWN .. data:: E_TID_UCHAR .. data:: E_TID_CHAR .. data:: E_TID_USHORT .. data:: E_TID_SHORT .. data:: E_TID_UINT .. data:: E_TID_INT .. data:: E_TID_FLOAT .. data:: E_TID_DOUBLE .. data:: E_TID_STRING .. data:: E_TID_SPARE .. data:: E_TID_TIME Sample Models ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. data:: E_SMOD_1OF1 .. data:: E_SMOD_1OF2 .. data:: E_SMOD_2OF2 .. data:: E_SMOD_3TOI .. data:: E_SMOD_2TOF Scaling Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. data:: E_SMID_NON No scaling .. data:: E_SMID_LIN Linear pixel scaling .. data:: E_SMID_LOG Logarithmic pixel scaling