Exporting band data ------------------- .. index:: ENVISAT, band, raster This tutorial shows how to convert ENVISAT_ raster information from dataset and generate flat binary rasters using PyEPR_. The program generates as many raster as the dataset specified in input. The example code (:download:`examples/write_bands.py`) is a direct translation of the C sample program `write_bands.c`_ bundled with the EPR API distribution. The program is invoked as follows: .. code-block:: sh $ python write_bands.py \ \ [ ... ] .. _ENVISAT: https://envisat.esa.int .. _PyEPR: https://github.com/avalentino/pyepr .. _`write_bands.c`: https://github.com/bcdev/epr-api/blob/master/src/examples/write_bands.c Import section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To use the Python_ EPR API one have to import :mod:`epr` module. At first import time the underlaying C library is opportunely initialized. .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :lines: 1-11 The main program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The main program in quite simple (this is just an example). .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :lines: 48- It performs some basic command line arguments handling and then open the input product. .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :lines: 89-90 Finally the core function (:func:`write_raw_image`) is called on each band specified on the command: .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :lines: 91-92 The :func:`write_raw_image` core function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The core function is :func:`write_raw_image`. .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :pyobject: write_raw_image It generates a flat binary file with data of a single band whose name is specified as input parameter. First the output file name is computed using the :mod:`os` module. .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :lines: 19-20 Then the desired band is retrieved using the :meth:`epr.Product.get_band` method and some of its parameters are loaded in to local variables: .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :lines: 22 Band data are accessed by means of a :class:`epr.Raster` object. .. seealso:: :func:`epr.Band.read_as_array` The :meth:`epr.Band.create_compatible_raster` is a facility method that allows to instantiate a :class:`epr.Raster` object with a data type compatible with the band data: .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :lines: 28-29 Then data are read using the :meth:`epr.Band.read_raster` method: .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :lines: 31-32 Then the output file object is created (in binary mode of course) and data are copied to the output file one line at time .. raw:: latex \fvset{fontsize=\footnotesize} .. literalinclude:: examples/write_bands.py :language: python :lines: 34-36 Please note that it has been used :data:`epr.Raster.data` attribute of the :class:`epr.Raster` objects that exposes :class:`epr.Raster` data with the powerful :class:`numpy.ndarray` interface. .. note:: copying one line at time is not the best way to perform the task in Python_. It has been done just to mimic the original C code: .. code-block:: c out_stream = fopen(image_file_path, "wb"); if (out_stream == NULL) { printf("Error: can't open '%s'\n", image_file_path); return 3; } for (y = 0; y < (uint)raster->raster_height; ++y) { numwritten = fwrite(epr_get_raster_line_addr(raster, y), raster->elem_size, raster->raster_width, out_stream); if (numwritten != raster->raster_width) { printf("Error: can't write to %s\n", image_file_path); return 4; } } fclose(out_stream); A by far more "pythonic" solution would be:: raster.data.tofile(out_stream) .. _Python: https://www.python.org .. raw:: latex \clearpage