API Reference ============= .. module:: epr :synopsis: Python bindings for ENVISAT Product Reader C API .. index:: bindings, ENVISAT, ESA, EPR-API pair: epr; module PyEPR_ provides Python_ bindings for the ENVISAT Product Reader C API (`EPR API`_) for reading satellite data from ENVISAT_ ESA_ (European Space Agency) mission. PyEPR_ is fully object oriented and, as well as the `EPR API`_ for C, supports ENVISAT_ MERIS, AATSR Level 1B and Level 2 and also ASAR data products. It provides access to the data either on a geophysical (decoded, ready-to-use pixel samples) or on a raw data layer. The raw data access makes it possible to read any data field contained in a product file. .. _PyEPR: https://github.com/avalentino/pyepr .. _Python: https://www.python.org .. _`EPR API`: https://github.com/bcdev/epr-api .. _ENVISAT: https://envisat.esa.int .. _ESA: https://earth.esa.int .. currentmodule:: epr Classes ------- Product ~~~~~~~ .. class:: Product ENVISAT product. The Product class provides methods and properties to get information about an ENVISAT product file. .. seealso:: :func:`open` .. rubric:: Attributes .. attribute:: file_path The file's path including the file name. .. attribute:: mode String that specifies the mode in which the file is opened. Possible values: `rb` for read-only mode, `rb+` for read-write mode. .. attribute:: id_string The product identifier string obtained from the MPH parameter 'PRODUCT'. The first 10 characters of this string identify the product type, e.g. "MER_1P__FR" for a MERIS Level 1b full resolution product. The rest of the string decodes product instance properties. .. attribute:: meris_iodd_version For MERIS L1b and RR and FR to provide backward compatibility. .. attribute:: tot_size The total size in bytes of the product file. .. rubric:: Methods .. method:: get_band(name) Gets the band corresponding to the specified name. :param name: the name of the band :returns: the requested :class:`Band` instance, or raises a :exc:`EPRValueError` if not found .. method:: get_band_at(index) Gets the :class:`Band` at the specified position within the :class:`product`. :param index: the index identifying the position of the :class:`Band`, starting with 0, must not be negative :returns: the requested :class:`Band` instance, or raises a :exc:`EPRValueError` if not found .. method:: get_dataset(name) Gets the :class:`Dataset` corresponding to the specified dataset name. :param name: the :class:`Dataset` name :returns: the requested :class:`Dataset` instance .. method:: get_dataset_at(index) Gets the :class:`Dataset` at the specified position within the :class:`Product`. :param index: the index identifying the position of the :class:`Dataset`, starting with 0, must not be negative :returns: the requested :class:`Dataset` .. method:: get_dsd_at(index) Gets the :class:`DSD` at the specified position. Gets the :class:`DSD` (:class:`Dataset` descriptor) at the specified position within the :class:`Product`. :param index: the index identifying the position of the :class:`DSD`, starting with 0, must not be negative :returns: the requested :class:`DSD` instance .. method:: get_num_bands() Gets the number of all :class:`Band`\ s contained in a :class:`Product`. .. method:: get_num_datasets() Gets the number of all :class:`Dataset`\ s contained in a :class:`Product`. .. method:: get_num_dsds() Gets the number of all :class:`DSD`\ s (:class:`Dataset` descriptors) contained in the :class:`Product`. .. method:: get_scene_height() Gets the :class:`Product` scene height in pixels. .. method:: get_scene_width() Gets the :class:`Product` scene width in pixels. .. method:: get_mph() The :class:`Record` representing the main product header (MPH). .. method:: get_sph() The :class:`Record` representing the specific product header (SPH). .. method:: read_bitmask_raster(bm_expr, xoffset, yoffset, raster) Calculates a bit-mask raster. Calculates a bit-mask, composed of flags of the given :class:`Product` and combined as described in the given bit-mask expression, for the a certain dimension and sub-sampling as defined in the given raster. :param bm_expr: a string holding the logical expression for the definition of the bit-mask. In a bit-mask expression, any number of the flag-names (found in the DDDB) can be composed with "(", ")", "NOT", "AND", "OR". Valid bit-mask expression are for example ``flags.LAND OR flags.CLOUD`` or ``NOT flags.WATER AND flags.TURBID_S`` :param xoffset: across-track co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region :param yoffset: along-track co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region :param raster: the raster for the bit-mask. The data type of the raster must be either :data:`E_TID_UCHAR` or :data:`E_TID_CHAR` :returns: zero for success, an error code otherwise .. seealso:: :func:`create_bitmask_raster`. .. method:: close Closes the :class:`Product` product and free the underlying file descriptor. This method has no effect if the :class:`Product` is already closed. Once the :class:`Product` is closed, any operation on it will raise a :exc:`ValueError`. As a convenience, it is allowed to call this method more than once; only the first call, however, will have an effect. .. method:: flush() Flush the file stream. .. rubric:: High level interface methods .. note:: the following methods are part of the *high level* Python API and do not have any corresponding function in the C API. .. attribute:: closed True if the :class:`Product` is closed. .. method:: get_dataset_names() Return the list of names of the :class:`Dataset`\ s in the :class:`Product`. .. method:: get_band_names() Return the list of names of the :class:`Band`\ s in the :class:`Product`. .. method:: datasets() Return the list of :class:`Dataset`\ s in the :class:`Product`. .. method:: bands() Return the list of :class:`Band`\ s in the :class:`Product`. .. rubric:: Special methods The :class:`Product` class provides a custom implementation of the following *special methods*: * __repr__ * __str__ * __enter__ * __exit__ .. index:: __repr__, __str__, __enter__, __exit__ pair: special; methods Dataset ~~~~~~~ .. class:: Dataset ENVISAT dataset. The Dataset class contains information about a dataset within an ENVISAT product file which has been opened with the :func:`open` function. A new Dataset instance can be obtained with the :meth:`Product.get_dataset` or :meth:`Product.get_dataset_at` methods. .. rubric:: Attributes .. attribute:: description A short description of the :class:`Band` contents. .. attribute:: product The :class:`Product` instance to which this :class:`Dataset` belongs to. .. rubric:: Methods .. method:: get_name() Gets the name of the :class:`Dataset`. .. method:: get_dsd() Gets the :class:`Dataset` descriptor (:class:`DSD`). .. method:: get_dsd_name() Gets the name of the :class:`DSD` (:class:`Dataset` descriptor). .. method:: get_num_records() Gets the number of :class:`Record`\ s of the :class:`Dataset`. .. method:: create_record() Creates a new :class:`Record`. Creates a new, empty :class:`Record` with a structure compatible with the :class:`Dataset`. Such a :class:`Record` is typically used in subsequent calls to :meth:`Dataset.read_record`. :returns: the new :class:`Record` instance .. method:: read_record(index[, record]) Reads specified :class:`Record` of the :class:`Dataset`. The :class:`Record` is identified through the given zero-based :class:`Record` index. In order to reduce memory reallocation, a :class:`Record` (pre-)created by the method :meth:`Dataset.create_record` can be passed to this method. Data is then read into this given :class:`Record`. If no :class:`Record` (``None``) is given, the method initiates a new one. In both cases, the :class:`Record` in which the data is read into will be returned. :param index: the zero-based :class:`Record` index (default: 0) :param record: a pre-created :class:`Record` to reduce memory reallocation, can be ``None`` (default) to let the function allocate a new :class:`Record` :returns: the record in which the data has been read into or raises an exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. versionchanged:: 0.9 The *index* parameter now defaults to zero. .. rubric:: High level interface methods .. note:: the following methods are part of the *high level* Python API and do not have any corresponding function in the C API. .. method:: records() Return the list of :class:`Record`\ s contained in the :class:`Dataset`. .. rubric:: Special methods The :class:`Dataset` class provides a custom implementation of the following *special methods*: * __repr__ * __str__ * __iter__ .. index:: __repr__, __str__, __iter__ pair: special; methods Record ~~~~~~ .. class:: Record Represents a record read from an ENVISAT dataset. A record is composed of multiple fields. .. seealso:: :class:`Field` .. rubric:: Attributes .. attribute:: dataset_name The name of the :class:`Dataset` to which this :class:`Record` belongs to. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. attribute:: tot_size The total size in bytes of the :class:`Record`. It includes all data elements of all :class:`Field`\ s of a :class:`Record` in a :class:`Product` file. *tot_size* is a derived variable, it is computed at run-time and not stored in the DSD-DB. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. attribute:: index Index of the :class:`Record` within the :class:`Dataset`. It is *None* for empty :class:`Record`\ s (created with :meth:`Dataset.create_record` but still not read) and for *MPH* (see :meth:`Product.get_mph`) and *SPH* (see :meth:`Product.get_sph`) :class:`Record`\ s. .. seealso:: :meth:`Dataset.read_record` .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. rubric:: Methods .. method:: get_field(name) Gets a :class:`Field` specified by name. The :class:`Field` is here identified through the given name. It contains the :class:`Field` info and all corresponding values. :param name: the the name of required :class:`Field` :returns: the specified :class:`Field` or raises an exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. method:: get_field_at(index) Gets a :class:`Field` at the specified position within the :class:`Record`. :param index: the zero-based index (position within :class:`Record`) of the :class:`Field` :returns: the :class:`Field` or raises and exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. method:: get_num_fields() Gets the number of :class:`Field`\ s contained in the :class:`Record`. .. method:: print_([ostream]) Write the :class:`Record` to specified file (default: :data:`sys.stdout`). This method writes formatted contents of the :class:`Record` to specified *ostream* text file or (default) the ASCII output is be printed to standard output (:data:`sys.stdout`). :param ostream: the (opened) output file object .. note:: the *ostream* parameter have to be a *real* file not a generic stream object like :class:`StringIO.StringIO` instances. .. method:: print_element(field_index, element_index[, ostream]) Write the specified field element to file (default: :data:`sys.stdout`). This method writes formatted contents of the specified :class:`Field` element to the *ostream* text file or (default) the ASCII output will be printed to standard output (:data:`sys.stdout`). :param field_index: the index of :class:`Field` in the :class:`Record` :param element_index: the index of element in the specified :class:`Field` :param ostream: the (opened) output file object .. note:: the *ostream* parameter have to be a *real* file not a generic stream object like :class:`StringIO.StringIO` instances. .. method:: get_offset() :class:`Record` offset in bytes within the :class:`Dataset`. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. rubric:: High level interface methods .. note:: the following methods are part of the *high level* Python API and do not have any corresponding function in the C API. .. method:: get_field_names Return the list of names of the :class:`Field`\ s in the :class:`Record`. .. method:: fields() Return the list of :class:`Field`\ s contained in the :class:`Record`. .. rubric:: Special methods The :class:`Record` class provides a custom implementation of the following *special methods*: * __repr__ * __str__ * __iter__ .. index:: __repr__, __str__, __iter__ pair: special; methods Field ~~~~~ .. class:: Field Represents a field within a record. A :class:`Field` is composed of one or more data elements of one of the types defined in the internal ``field_info`` structure. .. seealso:: :class:`Record` .. rubric:: Attributes .. attribute:: tot_size The total size in bytes of all data elements of a :class:`Field`. *tot_size* is a derived variable, it is computed at run-time and not stored in the DSD-DB. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. method:: get_description() Gets the description of the :class:`Field`. .. method:: get_name() Gets the name of the :class:`Field`. .. method:: get_num_elems() Gets the number of elements of the :class:`Field`. .. method:: get_type() Gets the type of the :class:`Field`. .. method:: get_unit() Gets the unit of the :class:`Field`. .. method:: get_elem([index]) :class:`Field` single element access. This function is for getting the elements of a :class:`Field`. :param index: the zero-based index of element to be returned, must not be negative. Default: 0. :returns: the typed value from given :class:`Field` .. method:: get_elems() :class:`Field` array element access. This function is for getting an array of field elements of the :class:`Field`. :returns: the data array (:class:`numpy.ndarray`) having the type of the :class:`Field` .. versionchanged:: 0.9 the returned :class:`numpy.ndarray` shares the data buffer with the C :c:type:`Field` structure so any change in its contents is also reflected to the :class:`Filed` object .. method:: set_elem(elem, [index]) Set :class:`Field` array element. This function is for setting an array of field element of the :class:`Field`. :param elem: value of the element to set :param index: the zero-based index of element to be set, must not be negative. Default: 0. .. note:: this method does not have any corresponding function in the C API. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. method:: set_elems(elems) Set :class:`Field` array elements. This function is for setting an array of :class:`Field` elements of the :class:`Field`. :param elems: np.ndarray of elements to set .. note:: this method does not have any corresponding function in the C API. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. method:: print_([ostream]) Write the :class:`Field` to specified file (default: :data:`sys.stdout`). This method writes formatted contents of the :class:`Field` to specified *ostream* text file or (default) the ASCII output is be printed to standard output (:data:`sys.stdout`). :param ostream: the (opened) output file object .. note:: the *ostream* parameter have to be a *real* file not a generic stream object like :class:`StringIO.StringIO` instances .. method:: get_offset() Field offset in bytes within the :class:`Record`. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. rubric:: Special methods The :class:`Field` class provides a custom implementation of the following *special methods*: * __repr__ * __str__ * __eq__ * __ne__ * __len__ [#]_ .. index:: __repr__, __str__, __eq__, __ne__, __len__ pair: special; methods .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] if the field is a :data:`E_TID_STRING` field then the :meth:`__len__` method returns the string length, otherwise the number of elements of the field is returned (same as :meth:`Field.get_num_elems`) DSD ~~~ .. class:: DSD :class:`Dataset` descriptor. The DSD class contains information about the properties of a :class:`Dataset` and its location within an ENVISAT :class:`Product` file. .. rubric:: Attributes .. attribute:: ds_name The :class:`Dataset` name. .. attribute:: ds_offset The offset of :class:`Dataset` in the :class:`Product` file. .. attribute:: ds_size The size of :class:`Dataset` in the :class:`Product` file. .. attribute:: ds_type The :class:`Dataset` type descriptor. .. attribute:: dsr_size The size of dataset record for the given :class:`Dataset` name. .. attribute:: filename The filename in the DDDB with the description of this :class:`Dataset`. .. attribute:: index The index of this :class:`DSD` (zero-based). .. attribute:: num_dsr The number of dataset records for the given :class:`Dataset` name. .. rubric:: Special methods The :class:`DSD` class provides a custom implementation of the following *special methods*: * __repr__ * __eq__ * __ne__ .. index:: __repr__, __eq__, __ne__ pair: special; methods Band ~~~~ .. class:: Band The band of an ENVISAT :class:`Product`. The Band class contains information about a band within an ENVISAT :class:`Product` file which has been opened with the :func:`open` function. A new Band instance can be obtained with the :meth:`Product.get_band` method. .. rubric:: Attributes .. attribute:: bm_expr A bit-mask expression used to filter valid pixels. All others are set to zero. .. attribute:: data_type The data type of the :class:`Band` pixels. Possible values are: * ``*`` --> the datatype remains unchanged. * ``uint8_t`` --> 8-bit unsigned integer * ``uint32_t`` --> 32-bit unsigned integer * ``Float`` --> 32-bit IEEE floating point .. attribute:: description A short description of the :class:`Band` contents. .. attribute:: lines_mirrored Mirrored lines flag. If true (=1) lines will be mirrored (flipped) after read into a raster in order to ensure a pixel ordering in raster X direction from WEST to EAST. .. attribute:: product The :class:`Product` instance to which this :class:`Band` belongs to. .. attribute:: sample_model The sample model operation. The sample model operation applied to the source :class:`Dataset` for getting the correct samples from the MDS (for example MERIS L2). Possible values are: * ``*`` --> no operation (direct copy) * ``1OF2`` --> first byte of 2-byte interleaved MDS * ``2OF2`` --> second byte of 2-byte interleaved MDS * ``0123`` --> combine 3-bytes interleaved to 4-byte integer .. attribute:: scaling_factor The scaling factor. Possible values are: * ``*`` --> no factor provided (implies scaling_method=*) * ``const`` --> a floating point constant * ``GADS.field[.field2]`` --> value is provided in global annotation :class:`Dataset` with name `GADS` in :class:`Field` `field`. Optionally a second element index for multiple-element fields can be given too .. attribute:: scaling_method The scaling method which must be applied to the raw source data in order to get the 'real' pixel values in geo-physical units. Possible values are: * ``*`` --> no scaling applied * ``Linear_Scale`` --> linear scaling applied:: y = offset + scale * x * ``Log_Scale`` --> logarithmic scaling applied:: y = log10(offset + scale * x) .. attribute:: scaling_offset Possible values are: * ``*`` --> no offset provided (implies scaling_method=*) * ``const`` --> a floating point constant * ``GADS.field[.field2]` --> value is provided in global annotation :class:`Dataset` with name ``GADS`` in :class:`Field` ``field``. Optionally a second element index for multiple-element fields can be given too .. attribute:: spectr_band_index The (zero-based) spectral :class:`Band` index. -1 if this is not a spectral :class:`Band`. .. attribute:: unit The geophysical unit for the :class:`Band` pixel values. .. attribute:: dataset The source :class:`Dataset`. The source :class:`Dataset` containing the raw data used to create the :class:`Band` pixel values. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. rubric:: Methods .. method:: get_name() Gets the name of the :class:`Band`. .. method:: create_compatible_raster([src_width, src_height, xstep, ystep]) Creates a :class:`Raster` which is compatible with the data type of the :class:`Band`. The created :class:`Raster` is used to read the data in it (see :meth:`Band.read_raster`). The :class:`Raster` is defined on the grid of the :class:`Product`, from which the data are read. Spatial subsets and under-sampling are possible) through the parameter of the method. A :class:`Raster` is an object that allows direct access to data of a certain portion of the ENVISAT :class:`Product` that are read into the it. Such a portion is called the source. The complete ENVISAT :class:`Product` can be much greater than the source. One can move the :class:`Raster` over the complete ENVISAT :class:`Product` and read in turn different parts (always of the size of the source) of it into the :class:`Raster`. The source is specified by the parameters *height* and *width*. A typical example is a processing in blocks. Lets say, a block has 64x32 pixel. Then, my source has a width of 64 pixel and a height of 32 pixel. Another example is a processing of complete image lines. Then, my source has a widths of the complete product (for example 1121 for a MERIS RR product), and a height of 1). One can loop over all blocks read into the :clasS:`Raster` and process it. In addition, it is possible to defined a sub-sampling step for a :class:`Raster`. This means, that the source is not read 1:1 into the :class:`Raster`, but that only every 2nd or 3rd pixel is read. This step can be set differently for the across track (source_step_x) and along track (source_step_y) directions. :param src_width: the width (across track dimension) of the source to be read into the :class:`Raster`. Default: scene width (see :attr:`Product.get_scene_width`) :param src_height: the height (along track dimension) of the source to be read into the :class:`Raster`. Default: scene height (see :attr:`Product.get_scene_height`) :param xstep: the sub-sampling step across track of the source when reading into the :class:`Raster`. Default: 1. :param ystep: the sub-sampling step along track of the source when reading into the :class:`Raster`. Default: 1. :returns: the new :class:`Raster` instance or raises an exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. note:: *src_width* and *src_height* are the dimantion of the of the source area. If one specifies a *step* parameter the resulting :class:`Raster` will have a size that is smaller that the specifies source size:: raster_size = src_size // step .. method:: read_raster([xoffset, yoffset, raster]) Reads (geo-)physical values of the :class:`Band` of the specified source-region. The source-region is a defined part of the whole ENVISAT :class:`Product` image, which shall be read into a :class:`Raster`. In this routine the co-ordinates are specified, where the source-region to be read starts. The dimension of the region and the sub-sampling are attributes of the :class:`Raster` into which the data are read. :param xoffset: across-track source co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region. Default 0. :param yoffset: along-track source co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region. Default 0. :param raster: :class:`Raster` instance set with appropriate parameters to read into. If not provided a new :class:`Raster` is instantiated :returns: the :class:`Raster` instance in which data are read This method raises an instance of the appropriate :exc:`EPRError` sub-class if case of errors .. seealso:: :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` and :func:`create_raster` .. rubric:: High level interface methods .. note:: the following methods are part of the *high level* Python API and do not have any corresponding function in the C API. .. method:: read_as_array([width, height, xoffset, yoffset, xstep, ystep]) Reads the specified source region as an :class:`numpy.ndarray`. The source-region is a defined part of the whole ENVISAT :class:`Product` image, which shall be read into a :class:`Raster`. In this routine the co-ordinates are specified, where the source-region to be read starts. The dimension of the region and the sub-sampling are attributes of the :class:`Raster` into which the data are read. :param src_width: the width (across track dimension) of the source to be read into the :class:`Raster`. If not provided reads as much as possible :param src_height: the height (along track dimension) of the source to be read into the :class:`Raster`, If not provided reads as much as possible :param xoffset: across-track source co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region. Default 0. :param yoffset: along-track source co-ordinate in pixel co-ordinates (zero-based) of the upper right corner of the source-region. Default 0. :param xstep: the sub-sampling step across track of the source when reading into the :class:`Raster`. Default: 1 :param ystep: the sub-sampling step along track of the source when reading into the :class:`Raster`. Default: 1 :returns: the :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance in which data are read This method raises an instance of the appropriate :exc:`EPRError` sub-class if case of errors .. seealso:: :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster`, :func:`create_raster` and :meth:`Band.read_raster` .. rubric:: Special methods The :class:`Band` class provides a custom implementation of the following *special methods*: * __repr__ .. index:: __repr__ pair: special; methods Raster ~~~~~~ .. class:: Raster Represents a raster in which data will be stored. All 'size' parameter are in PIXEL. .. rubric:: Attributes .. attribute:: data_type The data type of the :class:`Band` pixels. All ``E_TID_*`` types are possible. .. attribute:: source_height The height of the source. .. attribute:: source_width The width of the source. .. attribute:: source_step_x The sub-sampling for the across-track direction in pixel. .. attribute:: source_step_y The sub-sampling for the along-track direction in pixel. .. rubric:: High level interface attributes .. note:: the following attributess are part of the *high level* Python API and do not have a counterpart in the C API. .. attribute:: data Raster data exposed as :class:`numpy.ndarray` object. .. note:: this property shares the data buffer with the :class:`Raster` object so any change in its contents is also reflected to the :class:`Raster` object .. note:: the :class:`Raster` objects do not have a :class:`Field` named *data* in the corresponding C structure. The *EPR_SRaster* C structure have a :class:`Field` named *buffer* that is a raw pointer to the data buffer and it is not exposed as such in the Python API. .. rubric:: Methods .. method:: get_pixel(x, y) Single pixel access. This function is for getting the values of the elements of a :class:`Raster` (i.e. pixel) :param x: the (zero-based) X coordinate of the pixel :param y: the (zero-based) Y coordinate of the pixel :returns: the typed value at the given co-ordinate .. method:: get_elem_size() The size in byte of a single element (sample) of this :class:`Raster` buffer. .. method:: get_height() Gets the :class:`Raster` height in pixels. .. method:: get_width() Gets the :class:`Raster` width in pixels. .. rubric:: Special methods The :class:`Raster` class provides a custom implementation of the following *special methods*: * __repr__ .. index:: __repr__ pair: special; methods EPRTime ~~~~~~~ .. class:: EPRTime Convenience class for time data exchange. EPRTime is a :class:`collections.namedtuple` with the following fields: .. attribute:: days .. attribute:: seconds .. attribute:: microseconds .. index:: function Functions --------- .. function:: open(filename, mode='rb') Open the ENVISAT product. Opens the ENVISAT :class:`Product` file with the given file path, reads MPH, SPH and all :class:`DSD`\ s, organized the table with parameter of line length and tie points number. :param product_file_path: the path to the ENVISAT :class:`Product` file :param mode: string that specifies the mode in which the file is opened. Allowed values: `rb` for read-only mode, `rb+` for read-write mode. Default: mode=`rb`. :returns: the :class:`Product` instance representing the specified product. An exception (:exc:`exceptions.ValueError`) is raised if the file could not be opened. The :class:`Product` class supports context management so the recommended way to ensure that a product is actually closed as soon as a task is completed is to use the ``with`` statement:: with open('ASA_IMP_1PNUPA20060202_ ... _3110.N1') as product: dataset = product.get_dataset('MAIN_PROCESSING_PARAMS_ADS') record = dataset.read_record(0) print(record) .. seealso :class:`Product` .. function:: data_type_id_to_str(type_id) Gets the 'C' data type string for the given data type. .. function:: get_data_type_size(type_id) Gets the size in bytes for an element of the given data type. .. function:: get_numpy_dtype(type_id) Return the numpy data-type specified EPR type ID. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. function:: get_sample_model_name(model) Return the name of the specified sample model. .. function:: get_scaling_method_name(method) Return the name of the specified scaling method. .. function:: create_raster(data_type, src_width, src_height[, xstep, ystep]) Creates a :class:`Raster` of the specified data type. This function can be used to create any type of raster, e.g. for later use as a bit-mask. :param data_type: the type of the data to stored in the :class:`Raster`, must be one of E_TID_*. .. seealso:: `Data type Identifiers`_ :param src_width: the width (across track dimension) of the source to be read into the :class:`Raster`. See description of :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` :param src_height: the height (along track dimension) of the source to be read into the :class:`Raster`. See description of :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` :param xstep: the sub-sampling step across track of the source when reading into the :class:`Raster`. Default: 1. :param ystep: the sub-sampling step along track of the source when reading into the :class:`Raster`. Default: 1. :returns: the new :class:`Raster` instance .. seealso:: description of :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` .. function:: create_bitmask_raster(src_width, src_height[, xstep, ystep]) Creates a :class:`Raster` to be used for reading bitmasks. The :class:`Raster` returned always is of type ``byte``. :param src_width: the width (across track dimension) of the source to be read into the :class:`Raster` :param src_height: the height (along track dimension) of the source to be read into the :class:`Raster` :param xstep: the sub-sampling step across track of the source when reading into the :class:`Raster`. Default: 1. :param ystep: the sub-sampling step along track of the source when reading into the :class:`Raster`. Default: 1. :returns: the new :class:`Raster` instance or raises an exception (:exc:`EPRValueError`) if an error occurred .. seealso:: the description of :meth:`Band.create_compatible_raster` .. index:: exception, error Exceptions ---------- EPRError ~~~~~~~~ .. exception:: EPRError EPR API error. .. attribute:: code EPR API error code. .. method:: __init__([message[, code, *args, **kwargs]]) Initializer. :param message: error message :param code: EPR error code EPRValueError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. exception:: EPRValueError Inherits both :exc:`EPRError` and standard :exc:`exceptions.ValueError`. Data ---- .. data:: __version__ Version string of PyEPR. .. data:: EPR_C_API_VERSION Version string of the wrapped `EPR API`_ C library. Data type identifiers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. data:: E_TID_UNKNOWN .. data:: E_TID_UCHAR .. data:: E_TID_CHAR .. data:: E_TID_USHORT .. data:: E_TID_SHORT .. data:: E_TID_UINT .. data:: E_TID_INT .. data:: E_TID_FLOAT .. data:: E_TID_DOUBLE .. data:: E_TID_STRING .. data:: E_TID_SPARE .. data:: E_TID_TIME .. index:: pair: sample; model Sample Models ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. data:: E_SMOD_1OF1 .. data:: E_SMOD_1OF2 .. data:: E_SMOD_2OF2 .. data:: E_SMOD_3TOI .. data:: E_SMOD_2TOF .. index:: pair: scaling; method Scaling Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. data:: E_SMID_NON No scaling. .. data:: E_SMID_LIN Linear pixel scaling. .. index:: linear .. data:: E_SMID_LOG Logarithmic pixel scaling. .. index:: logarithmic